Interesting fun facts about "Human Eyes"

01. We all blink after every few seconds, but do we know the purpose of blinking ! Blinking helps to wash tears over our eyeballs.That keeps them clean and moist.

02. On a clear night ,the human eye can see between 2000 to 3000 stars in the sky.

03. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

04. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.

05. Everybody has a strong eye and one weak. 

06. Pupils in eyes get their name because the picture they give is small, like schoolchildren.

07. Rods & Cons are the two types of light sensitive cells in your eyes. Rods tell about brightness of color but Cones tell about what color it is. Cones don't work well in night ,that is why colors look gray at night.

08. Have you heard about 'Glabella' ? It is the space between your eyebrows.

09. Do you know that if human eye was a digital camera ,it would have 576 megapixels.

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Interesting fun facts about "Crocodiles"

01. A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out

02. Crocodiles live up to 70 years.

03. Crocodiles can reach 15 feet in length and weigh 2,000 lbs.

04. Crocodiles’ vertical pupils can open up wide to allow them to see in the dark. (Alligators have this feature as well.)

05. Crocodiles can go about 28 mph on land—about the speed of a fast human being.

06. A mother crocodile can carry her young in a pouch inside her mouth.

07. In order to dive deeper, Crocodiles swallow stones.

08. Crocodiles can eat their prey under water as well as above water—their throats have the ability to not swallow water while they eat underwater.

09. Crocodiles have the ability to keep their eyes open under water.

10. Crocodiles use their tail to maneuver while in water.

11. Crocodiles close their nostrils while under water.

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Interesting fun facts about "Pigs"

01. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

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Interesting fun facts about "Ducks"

Interesting fun facts about Ducks.

01. All types of ducks are part of the bird family Anatidae, and there are species of ducks found worldwide on every continent except Antarctica.

02. A baby duck is called a duckling, and an adult male is a drake. An adult female duck is called a hen or a duck, and a group of ducks can be called a raft, team or paddling.

03. All ducks have highly waterproof feathers as a result of an intricate feather structure and a waxy coating that is spread on each feather while preening. A duck's feathers are so waterproof that even when the duck dives underwater, its downy underlayer of feathers will stay completely dry.

04. Ducks are precocial, which means that ducklings are covered with down and able to walk and leave the nest just a few hours after hatching.

05. A hen will lead her ducklings up to a half mile or more over land after hatching in order to find a suitable water source for swimming and feeding.

06. Male ducks have an eclipse plumage similar to females that they wear after the breeding season for about a month as their new feathers grow. During that month, they are completely flightless and more vulnerable to predators.

07. Most duck species are monogamous for a breeding season but they do not mate for life.

08. When constructing her nest, a hen will line it with soft down feathers she plucks from her own breast. This gives the eggs the best possible cushioning and insulation.

09. Ducks are omnivorous, opportunistic eaters and will eat grass, aquatic plants, insects, seeds, fruit, fish, crustaceans and other types of food.

10.  A duck's bill is specialized to help it forage in mud and to strain food from the water. A hard nail at the tip of the bill helps with foraging, and a comb-like structure on the sides of the bill strains small insects and crustaceans from water.

11. Most male ducks are silent and very few ducks actually "quack." Instead, their calls may include squeaks, grunts, groans, chirps, whistles, brays and growls.

12. It is a myth that a duck's quack won't echo. This has been conclusively disproved through different scientific acoustic tests, and was even featured as "busted" on an episode of the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters.

13. Ducks have been domesticated as pets and farm animals for more than 500 years, and all domestic ducks are descended from either the mallard or the Muscovy duck.

14. There are more than 40 breeds of domestic duck. The white Pekin duck (also called the Long Island duck) is the most common variety raised for eggs and meat.

15. Because of their familiarity and comic nature, ducks are often featured as fictional characters. The two most famous fictional ducks are Disney's Donald Duck, who premiered in 1934, and Warner Bros.' Daffy Duck, who premiered in 1937.

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Wake up feeling great

Each night your brain moves through several sleep cycles. At start of each cycle you enter light sleep, then move in to deep sleep, then dream and finally move back in to light sleep. These cycles take about 90 minutes each and you feel more refreshed if you wake up at the end of the cycle. Because you are then closest to your normal waking state

To increase the chances of this decide when you want to wake up, then count back in 90 minute blocks until you find the time when you want to fall to sleep. 

So let's imagine you want to wake up at 8 a.m., jumping back in 90 minute blocks will look like this. So you should aim to sleep around either at 11'o clock or half past 12 at night. 

Simply follow the 90 minute cycle and wake up feeling great.
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Interesting fun facts about "Coca Cola"

10. Around 1.7 billion servings of all Coke products are consume everyday.

09. Despite popular convention, teeth or coins won't dissolve when left in a glass of Coca Cola overnight.

08. John Pemberton created Coca Cola in 1886, he sold an average of nine glasses per day.

07. In 1985 Coca Cola became the first soft drink in space.

06. It's a myth that Coke was originally green. The bottle was green but the drink has always been brown.

05. Each American ingests 10.8 lbs of sugar a year through Coca Cola alone.

04. Coke has 2.8 million vending machines, enough to fill 4 Empire State Buildings.

03. Coca Cola is the second most widely understood term in the world after okay.

02. The Coca Cola company produces more than 3,500 different beverages. At a rate of one per day, it would take over 9 years to try each one.

01.The Coca-Cola brand is worth an estimated $74 billion: more than Budweiser, Pepsi, Starbucks and Red Bull combined

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All time best-selling mobile phones

This list highlights all time best-selling mobile phones since the first mobile phone was introduced by Motorola. Market leaders in smart phones; Samsung and Apple do not have any of their phones in the list.

* Units sold are in millions

10. Motorola C200

Release Year - 2003 to 2006
Units Sold - 60 

09. Nokia 1600 (1650/1661) 

Release Year - 2006
Units Sold - 130 

08. Motorola RAZR V3

Release Year - 2004
Units Sold - 130 

07. Nokia 2600 (2600/2626/2630)

Release Year - 2004
Units Sold - 135 

06. Nokia 6600

Release Year - 2003
Units Sold - 150 

05. Nokia 3210

Release Year - 1999
Units Sold - 160

04. Nokia 5230

Release Year - 2009
Units Sold  - 150

03. Nokia 1200 

Release Year - 2007
Units Sold - 150

02. Nokia 1110

Release Year - 2005
Units Sold - 250

01. Nokia 1100

Release Year - 2003
Units Sold - 250

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Ten deadliest natural disasters since 1900

deadliest natural disasters

A natural disaster might be caused by earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruption, landslide, hurricanes etc. In order to be classified as a disaster, it will have profound environmental effect and/or human loss and frequently incurs financial loss.

This is a list of ten deadliest natural disasters since 1900. You will be surprised to see the death tall of China floods in 1931.

10. 138,866

Bangladesh cyclone Bangladesh April 29, 1991

9. 142,000

Great Kanto earthquake Japan September 1923

8. 145,000

Yangtze river flood China 1935

7. 229,000

Typhoon Nina—contributed to Banqiao Dam failure China August 7, 1975

6. 230,000 

Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Indian Ocean 26th December 2004

5. 273,400 

Haiyuan earthquake China December 1920

4. 316,000

Haiti earthquake Haiti January 12th 2010

3. 500,000

Bhola cyclone East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) November 1970

2. 650,000–779,000

Tangshan earthquake China July 1976

1. 1,000,000–4,000,000

China floods China July 1931

* Does not include industrial or technological accidents or epidemics nor the 1938 Yellow River flood.

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